Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friend, take a whiff of yourself already.

Eastern Bloc smelled like a sewer last night.  RUFF, dude.  SO RUFF.  I get the seksi musk smell is a big turn on for some people - but c'mon.  A shower, some deodorant.  Lets try and be courteous?!.. because after two four loko (eight loko), uncountable shots of vodka, and a serious serving of indian food - it took all I had not to vomit up and DOWN that bar.

That being said, I usually love it there.

Saw a guy who looked like this there, but having to avoid breathing through my nose ACTUALLY had me breathing through my mouth, and with all the alcohol consumption -- I was so light headed that I thought it best not to embark on anything that might have me swinging from the ceiling.

Bummer, dude.